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Viktor Zagreba

Viktor is an entrepreneur and consultant with a special interest in traffic safety and sustainable urban mobility. He holds a Master's degree from the University of Maryland (USA, 2013) and a graduate certificate from the Swedish Institute Management Programme (2019). Viktor is a co-founder of two influential non-governmental organizations in the domain of transport and urban mobility, and the author of policy papers. He served as an out-of-staff advisor to two Ministers of Infrastructure of Ukraine. At Oresund LLC, Viktor is responsible for business development, team development and new products.


Mohamed Sameh

Mohamed holds a Ph.D degree in Industrial Engineering and post-graduate degrees in Economics and Finance. He is fluent  in four languages. He worked for the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg, United Nations Industrial Development Organizations (UNIDO) in Rome, major consultancy firms in Belgium and the UK. Born in Saudi Arabia, a citizen of Italy and Luxembourg, Mohamed has worked for projects in Ukraine since 2011, and is an angel investor of several tech startups in Europe and the Middle East. At Oresund LLC, Mohamed is responsible for international business development and strategic management advice.



Kateryna Lozovenko

Operations Director and  Transport Data Researcher

Kateryna is the operational director of Oresund LLC and project manager of complex projects. She has experience of running projects from small local intersections to development strategies. Her mobility passion is cycling which she actively promotes as a professional and as a member of local NGOs. Kateryna studied data analysis in her graduate programme, and recently studied best practices in sustainable mobility in Germany and Poland.


Yuriy Lozovenko

Urban Planner and Traffic Engineer

Yuriy is schooled as an architect with a specialization in urban development and street design. Several of Yuriy’s street design projects won international recognition and were implemented, including projects for the cities of Kyiv, Tbilisi, Vinnytsia and Ivano-Frankivsk. In the mobility sector, Yuriy specializes in traffic management and transport modelling. His mobility passion is rail transport and cycling.


Demyan Danyliuk

Sustainable Urban Mobility Advisor

Demyan is proficient in local and national transport policies, development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, strategies of integrated urban development and cycling master plans. His special field of expertise is public transport, networks, rolling stock, fares, financial assessment and public transport management. Demyan has worked for various international technical assistance projects and has extensive experience in stakeholder consultations, participative planning and facilitation.

Artem Poliukh

Transport planner, engineer and modeler  

Artem graduated from Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture with a Master’s Degree in Urban Engineering and Services. He has worked in the urban transport sector for more than eight years in of civil engineer, urban planner, transport analyst, transport modeler and project manager. In his portfolio are project of urban transport strategies, sustainable urban mobility plans, city-scale transport models, along with tactical solutions such as traffic schemes for residential areas and business centers, street renovation projects. Artem worked as a key and local expert for a number of international projects financed by the World Bank, GIZ and UNDP in Ukraine and Georgia.


Maksym Sych

Public Transport Expert


Based in Ivano-Frankivsk, Maksym has 5+ years of practical experience in planning and management of public transport services on behalf of the municipality of Ivano-Frankivsk. More precisely, he has in-depth knowledge of route planning, scheduling, performance monitoring, and building a user feedback system to receive and process remarks and complaints from passengers. He also has experience of providing consulting to cities and smaller communities in planning their sustainable mobility and route networks.


Olha Kornienko

financial manager of the company

Olga is a qualified accounting expert, a certified auditor. She studied at the Ivano-Frankivsk State Technical University of Oil and Gas, majoring in accounting and auditing. Has more than 20 years of experience in accounting, management and tax accounting. She held the positions of chief accountant at enterprises of various types of management and in public organizations.

pool of experts


Marta Buriak

Urban planning and sustainable urban mobility advisor

Marta is graduated architecture. Specializes in strategic urban planning and sustainable urban mobility. Worked as an analyst of consolidated information, and later as a manager of urban projects and programs at the City Institute in Lviv. Marta has experience in spatial city analysis, urban development strategies, worked on Sustainable urban mobility plan in Lviv.  Also organized and moderated participatory activities with community involvement for urban projects and programs preparation.


Viacheslav Trushevsky (Ph.D)

Road Traffic Engineer and Transport Planner

Dr. Trushevsky is a transport engineer with the focus on traffic management and ITS, he is based in Zaporizhzhia. He holds a Ph.D in Transport Systems. Viacheslav’s field of expertise includes local and coordinated time plans for signalized intersections, adaptive traffic systems and city-scale traffic management systems. Dr. Trushevsky is a faculty member at the Department of Transport Technologies of Zaporizhzhia National Technical University.


Ivan Gongalo

Civil and Traffic Engineer

Ivan is based in Rivne and has 12 years of professional experience in civil engineering, traffic organization, signalized intersections, as well as over 15 years of university teaching experience. He was designer and main engineer for various projects of renovation and new construction of intersections, bicycle paths, and arterial streets. His portfolio includes over 25 implemented new traffic light projects, over 50 traffic schemes, and several intersections converted into roundabouts that made streets and roads safer for the local communities. Ivan has established an engineering bureau in his city of Rivne where he teaches young university graduates modern approaches based on Vision Zero and sustainable mobility principles. Ivan is a member of the Ukrainian national non-government organization "Guild of Civil Engineers".


Oleksandr Shutyuk

Streetscape Architect
Mr. Shutyuk is an experienced urban designer and streetscape architect based in Lviv, with over a dozen implemented projects in his portfolio. His specialization is renovation of streets and urban spaces based on the principles of human-scale design, complete streets and sustainable mobility. Oleksandr was on the team that designed the new Dvirtseva ploshcha in Lviv, recognized by Hmarochos Magazine as the most remarkable urban project in Ukraine of the decade 2011-2020.


Kostiantyn Shcherbachenko

Road Engineer and Road Safety Auditor

Kostiantyn is based in Kyiv and has nearly 20 years of practical experience as a civil engineer in detailed project design, road construction supervision, traffic management and road safety audits. He is a certified road safety auditor, a certified road supervision engineer, a certified chief engineer in the road sector, and a certified construction documentation expert. Kostiantyn has participated in over 50 projects, including major road construction projects with funding from EBRD and the World Bank.

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Ksenia Semenova

Cycling Planning and Policy Consultant

Ksenia holds a Master’s degree in International Development and Management from Lund University (Sweden) and has expertise in urban sustainable mobility, circular economy and environment. She served as an advisor to the Mayor of Kyiv, as a Board Member of the European Cyclists' Federation, and worked in various positions in Kyiv and Brussels. She was recognized as one of the World’s top “Remarkable Women in Transport” in 2019 by the Germany-led initiative TUMI.

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Mykola Kostrytsia

Consultant on strategic and local economic development, integrated planning, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

He has many years of experience in developing the concept of integrated urban development, building municipal energy management systems, project management with international (GIZ, SECO, KFW, Covenant of Mayers, etc.) and national partners. Over 15 projects worth over UAH 85 million have been developed as the Director of the Economic Development Department of the Zhytomyr City Council. euro. International technical and financial assistance, the Integrated Concept of Urban Development for Zhytomyr until 2030 and sectoral strategic documents. The municipal energy management system (European Energy Award) has been developed and certified.


Sergiy Chernoivanenko

ITS and Parking Systems Expert

Serge (Sergiy) is based in Odesa and holds a degree in engineering from Odessa State Polytechnic University and has worked in the transport sector for over 20 years. He has worked in the governmental sector for institutions responsible for commercial transport safety. More recently, as an independent consultant he provided consulting services for a number of transport and infrastructure projects with international and local funding.

One of Serge’s fields of expertise  is economic studies in the transport sector.

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Please, contact us via the form or keep in touch with Viktor Zagreba directly via phone +380 67-442-14-94 

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