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Sustainable urban plan mobility for Ivano-Frankivsk and Ivano-Frankivsk Community

The ORESUND team provided services to the Department of Housing, Communal Policy and Public Works of Ivano-Frankivsk to develop the first version of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Ivano-Frankivsk and the city's united territorial community. The document was developed with a planning horizon of 15 years.  
SUMP by definition is dedicated to urban mobility, so it is designed primarily for the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. However, it integrates the transport needs and interests of the people living around the city. The villages of Ivano-Frankivsk  Community are included in this environment, as the cities have direct powers and opportunities to influence them. In addition to these villages, the SUMP takes into account the transport connection between the city and settlements that belong to other  Communitys, but from an economic and transport point of view is the Ivano-Frankivsk agglomeration, generating a significant part of daily trips to and within the city.  
SUMP was developed at the initiative of the Department of Housing, Communal Policy and Public Works with the active participation of representatives of KP "Elektroavtotrans", Department of Transport and Communications. Consulting and analytical support was provided by the consulting company Oresund LLC and the research public organization Metalab (both organizations are based in Ivano-Frankivsk).  
Participants in the development of SUMP encountered methodological ones that influenced the chosen methodology. Firstly, it is a lack of sociological research, which would reveal the distribution by type of movement and other important indicators for planning.
Unfortunately, such studies have not been conducted in Frankivsk in the last 5 years, and it has been impossible to conduct a representative study within the framework of the SUMP development. The second limitation is the lack of data on the volume of transport, pedestrian, and bicycle flows and passenger flows of public transport. The third limitation is the lack of a working digital transport model of the city, which could be used to assess the scenarios of the city's transport system and the measures proposed in the SUMP. The fourth limitation is the lack of data on city logistics and taxi services, as neither administrative accounting nor research has been conducted in this area.  
In light of the existing limitations, in preparing the plan, quantitative methods and sources of information were replaced by qualitative ones, which is acceptable and justified in the context of these limitations. In particular, focus groups were held with city residents on cycling, walking, public transport and road traffic. A number of expert interviews and discussions were conducted by both experts and key stakeholders.  
The first working draft, developed by the ORESUND team, formed the basis of the Ivano-Frankivsk SUMP, the final draft of which will be formed in 2022 as a result of round tables, discussions and workshops of key relevant units and interested organizations and individuals.
The final version of the SUMP will be subject to approval by the city council session. 

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