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Lviv Safe and Climate Friendly Street Redesign. Horodotska - Rudne District 
(supported by GIZ)

This assignment aims to provide the city of Lviv with analyses, recommendations, and tender guidelines for selected five districts to increase climate-friendly mobility (walkability, usage of public transport and cycling) while at the same time improving traffic safety.  


The goal of the project is to increase the traffic safety of the district with minimal interventions in the street and road network, using the best practices in the field of traffic safety and sustainable urban mobility.

Our team was involved in the redevelopment of two areas: Horodotska -Rudne and Riasne.

The site covers the Syhnivka neighbourhood, part of the industrial zone and the village of Rudne. Syhnivka is a self-sufficient neighbourhood with a large number of objects of mass attraction. Facilities cover the entire area, making it convenient and attractive. Existing buildings and office premises are located along Horodotska street, which is a city-wide highway street. 

Rudne has local points of attraction, such as small trading shops, coffee shops, groceries, schools and a theological seminary. Due to the limited range of services in the district, residents are forced to make daily pendulum migrations to the city, in particular, to work and study (university). 

As part of the work, we proposed solutions for point-based, local interventions to increase traffic. First of all, near the educational institutions, after all, this request was voiced at meetings with residents of the district.

In addition to point solutions, the replanning of main streets and junctions was proposed. The redevelopment is carried out within the existing boundaries of the carriageway and provides for:

  1. creation of connectivity of the existing cycling infrastructure

  2. increasing the landscaping patch

  3. prioritization of public transport traffic

  4. organization of traffic in accordance with the best global practices

In general, the scope of services includes:

  • analysis of the district: town planning, points of mass attraction, etc

  • field surveys of the street and road network of the study area

  • analysis of existing relevant projects and documents regarding traffic safety, development of pedestrian and bicycle traffic and public transport

  • proactive planning with district residents, representatives of local self-government bodies, and public organizations in order to collect existing problems

  • development of specific proposals to improve traffic safety in the area (with traffic-calming measures)

  • development of pre-project proposals for the redevelopment of the main streets of the districts (redesign)

  • calculation of the approximate cost of design and construction works for the implementation of the proposed solutions

  • development of proposals regarding the phasing of the implementation of the developed solutions

  • simulated computer modelling of safety-critical intersections

The whole list of documentation about the project is available on the official website of the Lviv City Council.

All materials for planning areas are available by link

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