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Oresund is in a consortium with an international company SUEZ Consulting has launched a comprehensive research project called "Road Safety Gap Analysis of Road Standards, Guidelines and Norms in Ukraine".
The study was commissioned by the World Bank under an international program "Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety" (BIGRS) 2020-2025.
The inaugural meeting of the project took place on August 4, 2021 with the participation of the project team and the customer - the team of transport experts of the World Bank. At the meeting they presented the approach and methodology of work, the calendar of project activities and discussed technical details.
Oresund is implementing a project for the World Bank based on the results of an international tender in which companies from Great Britain, France, Germany and Belgium competed. Our partner in the project is the French company SAFEGE (SUEZ Group), which has been operating since 1919 and has offices in 20 countries. The project team includes 3 international experts and 5 Ukrainian specialists, and the duration of the project is 12 months. As part of the study, our team will conduct a comprehensive review and assessment of existing norms and standards of Ukraine, identify and analyze world best practices, and compare the Ukrainian situation with best practices, identifying "gaps" in the system. Based on this analysis and with the active involvement of stakeholders and organizations, the project team will develop an action plan for Ukraine on changes to the regulatory framework that would close the identified "gaps" and maximize the safety of Ukrainian roads at key stages of the infrastructure cycle: planning, design, construction and operation.
Online consultation meeting within the project, 11/08/22
The project team leader is Dr. Ilija Bricikaru, who has more than 25 years of experience in road engineering and traffic safety and previously worked as a key expert on international projects in Ukraine dedicated to traffic safety. The project director is Dr. Mohamed Sameh (Luxembourg) , the deputy team leader and provide Ukrainian expert is Viktor Zagreb. The other experts are Oksana Romanuha , Ivan Gongalo, Yuriy Lozovenko, Artem Poliukh and Andriy Vozniuk.

The project provides consultations with representatives of public authorities, institutions and organizations, designers, road owners, and organizations involved in the design, construction and operation of the road network of Ukraine.
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