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Development concept bicycle infrastructure for Prymorsk Community (supported by UNDP)

The cycling concept for Prymorsk Community was developed at the request of the public organization "Prymorsk 24/7" within the project funded by the UN Development Program in Ukraine. 
Prymorsk is a historic city in the Azov region, a famous resort and one of the main centres of renewable energy in Ukraine. Bicycles like city Transport is already popular in the city, and to maintain and enhance this positive situation, community activists and the city hall intend to systematically develop cycling infrastructure and promotional activities. To this end, the Concept was ordered and developed - a strategic industry document for the development of cycling. 
The main component of any cycling concept is a network of roads. The route bicycle network of Prymorsk is structured in the form of main, access, recreational and tourist routes. Trunk and access together form a network of transport routes. 
There are four main routes, the total length of which is 12.5 km. Their main purpose - direct connections between the main points of attraction and different parts of the city. Access routes complement the main network and provide a denser network. Their number is 11 and the total length is 17.7 km. Thus, the length of the developed urban routes, in the streets on which the bicycle infrastructure will be arranged in the future, is about 20 km. 
The concept contains recommendations on the forms of organization of bicycle traffic (paths, lanes) with geometric parameters that meet current norms and standards, and fit into the existing situation. Information on the current situation was obtained through field surveys and spot measurements during the visit to the city. 
Recreational and tourist routes of Prymorsk Community cover the most common tourist attractions in the region.  In particular, it is a landscape reserve Korsak-Mohyla,  Sofia Lake (flooded quarry), as well as coastal tourist attractions. The total length of these routes is 97 km. 
The tourist route in the concept is one, and it already exists. This is far-reaching  the coastal route "Step Bike Step", the length of which within the community is 64 km, and which is also developed and implemented by public organizations. 

In developing the bicycle network scheme, as in other similar projects, the ORESUND team used a proven participatory planning methodology in a workshop with local government and public sector representatives, during which transport zoning was carried out with points of gravity and overhead lines, as well as surveys and point measurements of key streets and intersections. QGIS software and Openstreetmaps map base are used for the graphic design of schemes. 

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